National target programme improves Son La ethnic minorities’ living standards

The National Target Programme on socio-economic development in ethnic minority-inhabited and mountainous areas for the 2021-2030 period (Programme 1719) has been implemented effectively in Son La province, contributing to improving the quality of life for local residents.


Farmers in Phieng Cam commune, Mai Son district harvest tea.

Luong Van Toan, deputy head of the provincial Committee for Ethnic Affairs, stated that the provincial budget allocated for the implementation of 10 component projects under Programme 1719 for 2021-2025 is over 8.69 trillion VND ($342.5 million). The committee has coordinated with various departments, sectors, and local authorities to develop and issue detailed implementation plans for 2021-2025 and annual plans. Throughout the implementation process, regular inspections and supervisions have been conducted to ensure compliance with objectives and effective use of allocated funds, fostering community consensus.

As of October 2024, over 4.19 trillion VND had been allocated, with more than 2.28 trillion VND disbursed, achieving 54.4% of the planned budget. Through the programme's funding, noticeable changes have been seen in the rural landscape of ethnic minority regions, particularly remote, border and disadvantaged areas, leading to improvements in both material and spiritual lives of locals. Socio-economic infrastructure development has received significant investment, while political stability and social order and safety have been maintained, and border security ensured.

The people of Sai Chien hamlet, Chieng Pha commune, Thuan Chau district, are cementing a road leading to the hamlet.

With funding from the programme, the inter-hamlet road connecting Lo Um and Khoang Bien hamlets in Chieng Dong commune, Mai Son district, was completed in January 2024. This 1.9-kilometer road serves the travel needs of over 400 households. Lo Van Thuy, Secretary of the Party cell and head of Khoang Bien hamlet, said that the hamlet has 94 households and more than 420 residents, primarily from the Thai ethnic group. The households relocated fences and donated land to widen the road from 2.5 meters to 6 meters, with a concrete surface width of 3.5 to 4 meters.

In 2024, the investment plan for implementing Programme1719 in Mai Son district is over 75.8 billion VND. Nguyen Thanh Hai, head of the district Division for Ethnic Affairs, reported that by September 2024, 46.9 billion VND had been allocated, achieving 61.9% of the assigned budget. Many projects have been carried out significantly changing the lives of ethnic minorities. Notable projects include the 3-kilometer inter-hamlet road connecting Nong Tau Mong, Nong Nghe, Xa Nghe, Huoi Nha, and Phieng Phu A hamlets in Phieng Cam commune, scheduled for completion in 2025; a bridge over the Cho Cong stream in Chieng Noi commune; and the upgrade of the water supply facility in Pa No hamlet, Ta Hoc commune.

Farmers in Buot Van hamlet, Chieng Kheo commune, Mai Son district harvest coffee.

Thanks to the programme, numerous projects related to transportation, electricity and water supply, and cultural houses have been constructed, repaired, or upgraded in Thuan Chau district. Lo Van Quy, head of the district Division for Ethnic Affairs, stated that from 2019 to 2024, Thuan Chau was allocated over 530 billion VND. The district has provided dispersed water supply support to 1,463 poor households; completed the construction of five concentrated water supply facilities; supported housing for 170 poor families; and assisted 390 poor households lacking arable land in transitioning to new livelihoods. The district is striving to eradicate poverty by 2025.

After more than three years of implementing the programme, Son La province has basically addressed the issue of inadequate housing for 179 households and insufficient agricultural land for 239 others. The province has successfully handed over and put into use seven out of 17 resettlement projects in the districts of Bac Yen, Yen Chau, Quynh Nhai, and Van Ho, with over 139 billion VND disbursed or over 84% of the assigned budget. Furthermore, over 1,178 billion VND has been invested in essential infrastructure to serve production and daily life in ethnic minority-inhabited and mountainous areas, reaching over 82% of the planned budget.

The commercial pig farming model of a household in Chieng La commune, Thuan Chau district.

In the coming time, the provincial Committee for Ethnic Affairs will continue to advise the provincial People’s Committee to propose solutions to the central government to effectively implement projects under Programme 1719. The goals are to reduce the poverty rate in poor districts by 4-5% per year by 2025; to have at least one district removed from the list of poor districts; to reduce the number of poor and near-poor households in particularly difficult communes by 4-5% each year; and to have 44% of communes in ethnic minority regions meet the new-style rural area standards.


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