Over 112,000 elderly people hold health insurance cards

To support elderly health care, all-level associations of the elderly across Son La province will coordinate with hospitals and district, town, and city medical centres to provide health check-ups and free medication for their members on the Traditional Day of the Vietnamese Elderly (June 6) and the International Day of Older Persons (October 1).

Medical staff from the Son La city Health Centre provide free check-ups, consultations, and medication for elderly residents in Chieng Xom commune.

Grassroots associations are directed to make lists of members in communes and towns for health screenings and medical record management.

Currently, more than 112,000 members with health insurance cards receive regular health check-ups and consultations. Additionally, the associations have maintained 895 cultural, art, and fitness clubs, along with 120 intergenerational clubs, which promote knowledge on health care for their members.




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