Project helps upgrade kindergarten facility in Song Ma district

Song Ma district’s Youth Union on December 31 held a ceremony to kick-start the construction of a classroom and an auxiliary item at Anh Duong Kindergarten’s Sao Va hamlet facility in Na Nghiu commune.


At the ground-breaking ceremony. 

Covering an area of more than 45sq.m, the project costs 230 million VND (9,042 USD) funded by the Hanoi-based Nuoi em ecosystem, a voluntary project aiming to support children in the mountainous regions of Vietnam.

Delegates at the ground-breaking ceremony. 

The project is expected to be completed and put into use after two months of construction. It is part of the Nuoi Em ecosystem's outreach programme for mountainous areas, aiming to build school facilities in disadvantaged localities, thereby meeting teaching and learning needs there.


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