Sea, island information conference held in Mai Son district

The provincial Party Committee's Board for Information and Education on March 28 coordinated with Brigade 126 of the Navy in organising a conference disseminating information on seas and islands in 2024.

 At the 2024 sea and island information conference in Mai Son district.

At the conference, delegates were informed by officers of Brigade 126 on the results of sea and island communication work in 2023, forecasts on the future situation; human resources attraction in 2024; the current situation in the seas and islands as well as the activities of countries in the East Sea; results of the struggle to protect national sovereignty over seas and islands in recent times; outstanding results in building a modern naval force and the issues raised in the current struggle for national sovereignty over seas and islands; and forecasts on the East Sea situation in the East Sea in the near future.

Delegates attend the 2024 sea and island information conference.

On the same day, the provincial Party Committee's Board for Information and Education and Brigade 126 jointly organised a conference on sea and island information and human resources attraction in 2024 at the Mai Son High School.

At the 2024 sea and island information conference at the Mai Son High School.

Nearly 100 officials and teachers and more than 1,700 students in Mai Son district were provided with information about the position, role and importance of Vietnam's seas and islands in the cause of nation construction and defence; the Party's viewpoints and guidelines, the State's policies and laws in protecting the Fatherland's sea and island sovereignty in the current situation; and the glorious traditional history of the Vietnam People’s Navy.


Delegates attend the 2024 sea and island information conference at the Mai Son High School.

In addition, students also learned about the formation and development process of the Vietnam Naval Academy; conditions, enrollment process, and policies when admitted to the academy as well as serving in the Navy.

Students attend the 2024 sea and island information conference.

The conference contributed to strengthening the trust and national pride of students in the struggle to firmly protect the sacred sea and island sovereignty. It also helped students understand the standards and procedures for taking the Vietnam Naval Academy entrance exam.





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