Son La gives in-principle approvals to 10 projects

In the past nine months of 2024, Son La province gave in-principle approvals to 10 projects, with a total registered investment capital of over 1.31 trillion VND (51.63 million USD).

In September, the province continued to direct relevant agencis and localities to promote investment attraction, and remove difficulties and obstacles in implementing projects.

It also evaluated three years of implementing Resolution No. 05-NQ/TU dated January 21, 2021 of the provincial Party Committee on developing synchronous socio-economic infrastructure in the 2021-2025 period, and Resolution No. 07-NQ/TU dated January 21, 2021 of the provincial Party Committee on investment attraction orientations in Son La province for 2021-2025.

National Highway 6B through Quynh Nhai district is being upgraded.



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