Attending the festival were Lo Minh Hung, Permanent Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee; Dinh Thi Bich Thao, member of the provincial Party Committee’s Standing Board, and head of the provincial Party Committee's Commission for Information and Education; and representative from the National Blood Centre, among others.

The "Red Journey" is a national blood donation campaign, first organised in 2013, with the mission of connecting Vietnamese blood. Over the past years, the provincial steering committee for voluntary blood donation has done a good job of coordinating with the National Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion and the Party committees and authorities at all levels, departments, sectors and organisations in the province to regularly organise blood donation campaigns, drawing a large number of participants.
After eight editions, the “Red Journey” campaign in the province has received 40,544 units of blood, meeting the treatment and emergency needs of local patients and supported central-level hospitals.

On the first day of this nine edition, 978 youth union members, civil servants, officers, soldiers and people in Son La city voluntarily registered to donate their blood. The organising board received 838 units of blood and transferred them to medical facilities so as to ensure blood sources for emergency work and patient treatment.
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