Son La province receives relief aid from Can Tho city

The Son La provincial Youth Union on September 16 received 15 tonnes of essential goods from residents in the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho to support those affected by natural disasters in Son La province.


Soldiers from the Son La provincial Military Command participate in loading and unloading the goods. 

More than 50 youth union members and 10 officers and soldiers from the provincial Military Command received and classified 15 tonnes of goods, including 1,599 cartons of instant noodles, 509 cartons of milk, over 3,000 fresh loaves of bread and pastries, 300 packs of various medicines, 515 cartons of bottled water, along with canned fish and sausages, and many other essential items, which will be distributed to localities stricken by natural disasters as soon as possible.

Youth Union members classify donations.  

From now until September 19, the provincial Youth Union will receive four additional truckloads of essential goods, books, clothes, and school supplies from Can Tho, Vinh Long, An Giang, and other localities.

Once sorted, the donations will be loaded onto trucks and delivered to those affected by natural disasters.


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