Training conference raises awareness of environmental protection, climate change response

The provincial Youth Union’s Standing Committee on October 21 coordinated with the Department of Natural Resources and Environment and Tay Bac University to organize a training conference on environmental protection and climate change response in 2024.


At the training conference on environmental protection and climate change response.

Participating the event were over 150 youth union officials and members, and young people from 12 districts and city, who acquired knowledge about plastic waste pollution and current methods of reducing plastic waste; carbon credits and benefits of the carbon credit market; the current situation of environmental pollution and climate change globally; application of digital transformation in new-style rural construction associated with rural environmental protection.

Delegates attend the training conference.

At the conference, participants shared experience and discussed environmental issues, waste collection; the establishment an maintenance of youth volunteer teams to protect the environment and respond to climate change; the registration for building green - clean - beautiful - civilized - safe streets and roads.

Participants discuss at the conference.

The training was to improve knowledge about environmental protection and climate change response for youth union officials and members, and young people at the grassroots level. It also aimed to encourage the community to join hands in protecting the environment and natural resources, and proactively responding to climate change, contributing to the effective implementation of the national target programme on environmental protection and sustainable development.


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