Muong La’s oustanding youths honoured

To welcome the 6th Congress of Muong La district’s Youth Federation in the 2024-2029 term, the Muong La chapter of the Vietnam Youth Federation on July 8 organised a programme to commend outstanding youths in the movement of studying and following President Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and lifestyle in 2024.

Attending the event were 151 outstanding individuals representing over 5,000 young people in the district.

An art performance welcoming the programme.

Over the past time, the district chapter has concretised the studying and following of the late leader's thought, morality and lifestyle, associated with the implementation of action programmes, emulation movements, and campaigns, thus creating widespread influence, and drawing the participation of a large number of young people.


Youth education work has been promoted and movements and activities have developed, with many exemplary examples appearing in various fields of social life.

Leaders of the Muong La district chapter of the Vietnam Youth Federation present certificates of merit to outstanding young people.

At the programme, leaders of the district Youth Union and Youth Federation presented flowers and certificates of merit to 31 outstanding young people in studying and following President Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and lifestyle.



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