Son La students eagerly back to school

Joining the vibrant atmosphere of the school opening day nationwide, on September 5 morning, more than 375,000 students from 610 schools across Son La province happily and excitedly attended the opening ceremonies for the 2024-2025 school year.

The opening ceremony at the Son La High School for the Gifted.

The schools were adorned with flags and flowers and the opening ceremonies were conducted with solemnity and seriousness. Students listened to a letter from Party General Secretary and President To Lam to the education sector on the occasion of the new school year 2024-2025. Teachers and students were enthusiastic and eager, with a strong determination to successfully achieve the goals of the new school year, themed: “Discipline, Responsibility, Innovation, and Education and Training Quality Improvement.”
To share the joy of the school year opening day, members of the provincial Party Committee’s Standing Board, People's Council, People's Committee, Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee; leaders of provincial departments and agencies; and representatives from districts and Son La city attended the ceremonies and extended their congratulations to the teachers and students of the schools.

Hoang Quoc Khanh, Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People's Committee, joined the opening ceremony for the 2024-2025 school year at the Son La High School for the Gifted.

Hoang Quoc Khanh, Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People's Committee, attends the opening ceremony for the 2024-2025 school year at the Son La High School for the Gifted. 

For the 2023-2024 school year, the Son La High School for the Gifted continued to lead in the high school emulation movement within the province. The school's teachers and students actively made great efforts in teaching and learning, enhancing the quality of talent training, and promoting extracurricular activities focusing on life skills. They were encouraged to participate in scientific and technical research competitions and various contests organized by different levels and sectors, achieving impressive results.
Specifically, 99% of students were rated as having good conduct, and 75.5% as having excellent or good academic performance. As many as 17 students won awards at the national exam for excellent high school students and 267 students earned prizes at the provincial exam for excellent high school students. Seven projects received awards at the provincial scientific research competition, and another pocketed a promising award at the national scientific research competition.

The opening ceremony for the 2024-2025 school year at the Son La High School for the Gifted.

For the 2024-2025 school year, the Son La High School for the Gifted welcomes 385 10th graders, bringing the total number to 1,149. With the theme “Innovation, Quality Improvement, Unity, and Discipline,” the school is intensifying efforts to promote the movement of good teaching and learning, with a strong determination to successfully achieve the goals set for the new academic year.

Hoang Quoc Khanh, Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee, speaks at the ceremony.

Addressing the event, Khanh recognized and commended the achievements made by the school’s teachers and students. He expressed his hope that the school would continue to well implement the advanced education programme while approaching international educational progammes. He encouraged the school to effectively apply advanced educational programmes and management, teaching, testing, and evaluation methods.
He urged the school to lead in applying information technology in management and teaching, focus on developing students' life skills and social competencies, foster a spirit of patriotism and national pride, and enhance both talent and morality. He also recommended that teachers continuously engage in self-learning and professional development, enhance their scientific research capabilities, and effectively use foreign languages in communication, teaching, and research to further improve educational quality and nurture talent.

Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Hoang Quoc Khanh presents certificate of merit to the Son La High School for the Gifted.

On the occasion, the provincial leader awarded the insignia “For the Cause of Education” from the Ministry of Education and Training and the certificate of merit from the provincial People's Committee to the school for its outstanding achievements in fulfilling the tasks for the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 school years.

Also at the event, the school rewarded 24 students who earned gold and silver medals at the Duyen Hai Summer Camp and Hung Vuong Summer Camp, as well as one student who won a silver medal at the 2024 National Phu Dong Sports Games. Additionally, the school honoured the top-performing student in the entrance exam to the 10th grade and launched an emulation movement for the 2024-2025 academic year.

Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Hoang Quoc Khanh talks to teachers sand students of the Son La High School for the Gifted.

Lo Minh Hung, Permanent Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, attended the opening ceremony for the 2024-2025 school year at the Thuan Chau High School in Thuan Chau district.

The opening ceremony at the Thuan Chau High School.

In the 2023-2024 school year, the Thuan Chau High School had 1,259 students and 28 staff members. The school consistently focused on improving both general and talent education quality, with priority given to equipping students with life skills and legal knowledge.

All students passed the high school graduation exam, with 34 students achieving high scores ranging from 24.5 to 27.7; and 54 students won awards at the provincial-level exams for excellent students and one finished third at the provincial scientific research competition. At the provincial Phu Dong Sports Games, the school won one gold, four silver, and one bronze medals. It also bagged the fourth prize at the provincial “Start-up Ideas” competition. Its five teachers were recognized as "Excellent Teachers" at the provincial level.

Lo Minh Hung, Permanent Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, presents a gift to the Thuan Chau High School.

For the 2024-2025 school year, the Thuan Chau High School will continue to innovate and enhance the quality and effectiveness of educational management, and teacher training, and invest in facilities and teaching equipment to effectively implement the 2018 general education programme, improve high school graduation exam scores, and successfully complete tasks for the new school year through the effective implementation of emulation movements.
Addressing the event, Hung praised the achievements made by the Thuan Chau High School in the previous academic year. He also urged the district’s Party committee and authorities, education and training sector, and the Thuan Chau High School to take solutions to meet the educational targets outlined in the resolution of the 15th provincial Party Congress.
He emphasized the need to increase the application of information technology to management and teaching, encourage teachers to engage in self-learning and professional development, enhance their scientific research capabilities, and innovate pedagogical methods, contributing to improving the quality of education in the province.

Lo Minh Hung, Permanent Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, talks to managers, teachers and students of the Thuan Chau High School.

Nguyen Thai Hung, member of the provincial Party Committee’s Standing Board and Chairman of the provincial People’s Council, also joined the school-opening festival with teachers and students of the High-quality Secondary School in Mai Son district.

Nguyen Thai Hung, member of the provincial Party Committee’s Standing Board and Chairman of the provincial People’s Council, presents a gift to the Mai Son High-quality Secondary School in Mai Son district. 

For the 2023-2024 school year, the High-Quality Secondary School achieved notable successes, including 98 students winning awards at the district-level exam for excellent secondary students; 83 students earning awards at the similar exam at the provincial level; the first prize at the provincial Youth Innovation Competition. 100% of students passed the entrance exams for high schools, with 60 gaining admission to high schools for the gifted both within and outside the province.

The school was commended by the Chairperson of the district People's Committee for outstanding performance during the 2023-2024 school year. It was also recommended for the provincial People's Committee’s emulation flag for leading the secondary school sector and for the Prime Minister’s emulation flag for outstanding achievements in the 2023-2024 school year.

For the 2024-2025 academic year, the school has 17 classes with 593 students of four grades. It will continue to promote the "Good Teaching, Good Learning" movement, build a healthy educational environment, and foster self-reliance and creativity among students.

In his speech at the opening ceremony, Hung urged the school to continue effectively implementing the tasks for the 2024-2025 school year. He emphasized the need to enhance the "Good Teaching, Good Learning" movement and improve the quality of education in a substantive and sustainable manner, with the mottos of "All for our beloved students" and "No student left behind." He also encouraged the creation of a friendly school environment and active students.

On the morning of September 5, over 35,000 students in Phu Yen district excitedly began the 2024-2025 school year. Attending the opening ceremony at the Phu Yen Town Secondary School was Trang Thi Xuan, a member of the provincial Party Committee’s Standing Board and Permanent Deputy Chairwoman of the provincial People's Committee.

The Phu Yen Town Secondary School welcomes the 6th-grade students for the new academic year.

In the 2023-2024 school year, the Phu Yen Town Secondary School had 526 students across four grades. 69% of students attained good or excellent academic performance; 99.8% of students were rated as having good conduct; 157 students won awards at the district-level exam for excellent students, and 15 won prizes at the same exam at the provincial level.

For the 2024-2025 school year, the school has 518 students of 13 classes. It will continue to promote the "Good Teaching, Good Learning" movement, build a healthy educational environment, and foster self-reliance and creativity in learning, in an effort to maintain its status as a national standard school.

Trang Thi Xuan, a member of the provincial Party Committee’s Standing Board and Permanent Deputy Chairwoman of the provincial People's Committee, speaks at the opening ceremony.

Addressing the opening ceremony, Xuan praised the achievements of the school and urged its staff and teachers to continue innovating management and teaching work. She emphasized the importance of enhancing the application of information technology and striving to improve the quality of comprehensive education for students.
As the 2024-2025 school year begins, Phu Yen district has 69 schools across 27 communes and town. The district has organized several professional development sessions over the summer for more than 1,900 educational staff members. Additionally, it has invested over 15 billion VND (606,306 USD) in constructing, repairing, and upgrading classrooms, as well as purchasing educational materials and equipment, all aimed at achieving the best possible outcomes for the new school year.

Meanwhile, Luong Thi Van Anh, member of the provincial Party Committee’s Standing Board and Chairwoman of the committee’s Inspection Board, attended the opening ceremony for the 2024-2025 school year at the Phieng Khoai High School in Yen Chau district.

Luong Thi Van Anh, member of the provincial Party Committee’s Standing Board and Chairwoman of the committee’s Inspection Board, presents a gift to the Phieng Khoai High School.

In the 2023-2024 school year, the Phieng Khoai High School had 12 classes with 580 students, 31% of whom achieved good or excellent academic performance. Five students won awards in the provincial-level exams for excellent students. The school was recognized by the provincial Department of Education and Training for excellently fulfilling its tasks for the 2023-2024 academic year.

For the 2024-2025 academic year, the school has 13 classes with 621 students. It will continue to innovate and improve the quality and effectiveness of educational management, train teachers, and invest in facilities and teaching equipment to effectively implement the 2018 general education curriculum.

In her speech, Anh urged the school's staff and students to continue innovating teaching methods and educational approaches focused on developing competencies. She emphasized the importance of enhancing teacher training, focusing on improving qualities and professional capabilities; moral education, character development, and life skills; and building a safe, friendly, and happy educational environment.

Students of the Phieng Khoai High School at the opening ceremony for the new school year

Dinh Thi Bich Thao, member of the provincial Party Committee’s Standing Board and head of the committee’s Information and Education Board, attended the opening ceremony for the new school year 2024-2025 at the Town Primary School in Thuan Chau district on September 5.

Dinh Thi Bich Thao, member of the Standing Board of the provincial Party Committee and head of the committee’s Information and Education Board, presents a gift to the school. 

The opening ceremony for the new school year at the Town Primary School.

In the last academic year, up to 84.6% of the school’s students won the titles of good, excellent, and outstanding students; and 59 earned prizes at the provincial exam for excelent students, and 66 secured prizes at the district contest. Meanwhile, three teachers won the “excellent teacher” title at the district level. The school itself met national standards at level 2 and was named among the leading primary schools in Thuan Chau district.

In the 2024-2025 academic year, the school has 20 classes with 588 students. It will continue promoting the “Good teaching, good learning” emulation movement, strengthening digital transformation and the application of information technology in management and teaching, while mobilising the support from different economic sectors to upgrade its infrastructure. The school will work to maintain its achievements, as well as the national status.

In her remarks, Thao suggested the school carry forward solidarity, unity, and passion among its staff, and encourage them to improve ethics and professional qualifications; and focus on solutions to raise the quality of education associated with the emulation movement in teaching and learning, creating a friendly and positive learning environment.

The same day, Bui Minh Tan, member of the Standing Board of the provincial Party Committee and head of the committee’s Board for Home Affairs, attended the ceremony at the Chieng Sinh Primary School in Son La city.

Bui Minh Tan, member of the Standing Board of the provincial Party Committee and head of the committee’s Board for Home Affairs, presents a gift to the Chieng Sinh Primary School. 

Over the past academic year, the school effectively implemented the 2018 general education programme, and constantly innovated and diversified teaching methods. As many as 1,420 students of the school participated in and won prizes at online competitions, and 239 recognised as excellent students at the provincial and national levels.

The opening ceremony for the 2024-2025 school year at the Chieng Sinh Primary School in Son La city. 

In the 2024-2025 academic year, the school counts 27 classes with 1,088 students. It will uphold such achievements, and respond to emulation movements launched by the education and training sector through many creative and diverse forms, aiming to turn itself into an exemplary school.

Speaking at the event, Tan suggested that the school further improve the quality of its teachers, work to meet quality requirements, and reform teaching methods, along with enhancing physical education and extracurricular activities for students.

It was also asked to maintain its close coordination with families and the society, step up digital transformation and IT application in teaching, effectively put in place the 2018 general education programme, and successfully complete the tasks set for the new academic year, aiming to build a safe and happy school.

Also on September 5, 49 educational establishments with more than 34,400 students in Moc Chau district organised such ceremonies. Luu Minh Quan, member of the Standing Board of the provincial Party Committee, and head of the committee’s Mass Mobilisation Board, attended the ceremony at the Moc Ly High School.

Luu Minh Quan, member of the Standing Board of the provincial Party Committee and head of the committee’s Mass Mobilisation Board, and a leader of Moc Chau district present gifts to the Moc Ly High School. 

In the last academic year, the school had 121 students achieving the title of excellent student at the provincial level, and 100% of its students passing the high school graduation exam. In the 2024-2025 year, its staff and 1,369 students are determined to stay united and creative to fulfill new tasks, building the school into a "quality - disciplined - friendly" one.

Luu Minh Quan, member of the Standing Board of the provincial Party Committee and head of the committee’s Mass Mobilisation Board, beats the drum to kick-start the new school year. 

Quan asked the school to improve the quality of its staff, reform teaching methods, promote creativity among students, ensure the harmony between education categories, standardise foreign language and computer teaching, and promote the spirit of self-learning among teachers and students.

A similar event was held at the Chieng Den Kindergarten in Son La city with the attendance of Ha Trung Chien, member of the Standing Board of the provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the municipal Party Committee and Chairman of the city People’s Council.

Delegates cut the ribbon to inaugurate the Chieng Den Kindergarten in Son La city.

In the 2024-2025 academic year, the school has 378 students and 38 teachers and officials. The new two-storey facility has 14 classrooms and auxiliary works, covering ​​more than 5,500m², with total funding of 20 billion VND (808,570 USD). It aims to meet national standards at level 1 in 2025.

Lauding the school’s achievements recorded over the past time, Chien asked its staff to improve their professional qualifications, flexibly implement educational programmes, and maintain coordination with students’ parents.

Ha Trung Chien, Secretary of the municipal Party Committee, visits a new classroom of the school.

In Van Ho district, more than 18,100 students at 34 educational establishments began their new school year. Major General Nguyen Ngoc Van, member of the Standing Board of the provincial Party Committee and Director of the provincial Department of Public Security, attended the ceremony at the Van Ho Primary School.

In 2023-2024, the school was named among the leading primary and secondary ones by the provincial People's Committee. In 2024 - 2025, its teachers and 1,262 students are determined to better perform their tasks, and improve the quality of comprehensive education.

Van urged the school to push ahead with the “good teaching, good learning” emulation movement and overcome difficulties to reap more achievements. On this occasion, the provincial Department of Public Security presented a lab worth 50 million VND to the school.

Major General Nguyen Ngoc Van, Director of the provincial Department of Public Security, presents a gift to the Van Ho Primary School. 

Teachers and students of the Van Ho Primary School take a group photo at the ceremony for the new school year.  

Also on September 5, Hoang Thi Doi, deputy head of the province’s delegation of National Assembly deputies, attended the opening ceremony for the new school year at the Kim Chung Primary School in Phieng Khoai commune, Yen Chau district.

Over the past academic year, the school had 400 students granted with certificates, and 50 with prizes at a district contest, and three with provincial-level medals at the VioEdu contest, among other achievements. The school upgraded its infrastructure and satisfied national standards at level 2.

A view of the ceremony

Doi hailed the school’s achievements and asked it to continue implementing emulation movements, reforming teaching methods, encouraging creativity among students, and ensuring the harmony between education categories, while striving to outstandingly complete tasks set for the new academic year.

Hoang Thi Doi and leaders of the Yen Chau district People’s Committee present a certificate recognising the Kim Chung Primary School as an educational establishment of national standards at level 2.

Joining the joyful atmosphere, more than 19,000 students in Quynh Nhai district began their new school year. Dang Ngoc Hau, Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee, beat the drum to start the new academic year at the Kim Dong Primary School in Muong Giang commune.

In 2024-2025, Quynh Nhai has 14 educational institutions, with 98.8% of classrooms consolidated and no makeshift rooms. The district boasts the largest number of schools meeting national standards (92.1%) in Son La province. All high-school teachers satisfy high standards, while the rates at primary and kindergarten levels are 95% and 81%, respectively.

The Kim Dong Primary School is resolved to promote solidarity among its staff, carry forward achievements, and effectively implement emulation movements and campaigns, constantly raising the quality of teaching and learning. 

The Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee presents a gift to the school. 

Delegates and teachers raise fund in support of needy students.

On this occasion, the provincial People's Committee and the district Party Committee and People's Committee presented gifts to the school. The district Sponsoring Association for Persons with Disabilities and Orphans also granted six scholarships, each worth 500,000 VND, to the school's disadvantaged students with outstanding academic achievements. The school also launched emulation movements for the 2024-2025 school year and fund raising in support of students in difficult circumstances.

The same day, 45 schools with over 20,510 students in Bac Yen district also started the new school year. Nguyen Thanh Cong, Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee, attended the ceremony at the Bac Yen High School.

Lễ The opening ceremony for the new academic year at the Bac Yen High School.

In 2024-2025, the school has 29 classes with 1,288 students, of them 470 being 10th graders. It will concentrate on reforming teaching and management methods, and strengthen order, discipline, quality and efficiency, as well as connection with families and the society.

Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Nguyen Thanh Cong beats the drum to open the new school year.

Speaking at the event, Cong requested the school to focus on improving the quality of education; investing in facilities, teaching equipment, and the library for gradual modernisation and efficiency; and training managers and teachers to ensure improved qualifications and capacity to meet the requirements of fundamental and comprehensive innovation in education and training.

The same day, Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Le Hong Minh attended the new school year opening ceremony at the Mai Son High School.

In the 2024-2025 school year, the school has 36 classes with 1,606 students, of whom 544 are 10th graders. Its facilities have been invested in a uniformed and modern direction.

Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Le Hong Minh presents a gift to the Mai Son High School.

Speaking at the event, Minh commended and acknowledged the achievements of the school’s staff and students in the past school year. He requested the school to continue to innovate teaching methods, improve the quality of teaching and learning, promote the "good teaching, good learning" emulation movement, effectively use teaching and learning equipment, actively speed up digital transformation in education, strengthen the capacity and creativity of teachers, thus meeting the requirements of fundamental and comprehensive innovation in education and training.

The Mai Son High School welcomes 10th graders. 

Also on September 5 morning, schools in Sop Cop district simultaneously launched the new school year. Colonel Chu Van Thanh, Commander of the provincial Military High Command, attended the opening ceremony for the new academic year at the Pung Banh Secondary School in Pung Banh commune.

The Pung Banh Secondary School welcomes 6th graders.
Colonel Chu Van Thanh, Commander of the provincial Military High Command, presents gifts to disadvantaged students of the school.

In the 2024-2025 school year, the district has 22 educational establishments, with over 17,600 students at all levels. The district has 744 classrooms, of which 632 are solid, 109 are semi-solid, and the rest are temporary. Schools with boarding students have arranged enough food and accommodation for students.

The same morning, over 30,600 students in 43 schools at all levels in Muong La district also entered the new academic year. Nguyen Duc Thanh, head of the provincial Party Committee's Organisation Commission, joined the celebration with teachers and students of the Muong La High School.

The opening ceremony for the new school year at the Muong La High School.

In this academic year, with the theme of "Innovation, quality improvement, solidarity and discipline", the school continues to effectively implement the “Each teacher is an example of self-study and innovation” campaign and the "Innovation and creativity in management, teaching and learning" emulation movement; while improving the quality of teachers and managers to meet the requirements of implementing the 2018 general education programme and carrying out solutions to ensure school security and safety.

Nguyen Duc Thanh, head of the provincial Party Committee's Organisation Commission, presents a gift to the Muong La High School.

Addressing the ceremony, Thanh requested the school to effectively implement the 2018 general education programme; consolidate and improve the quality of education with the motto "Teaching with the heart - Learning with aspiration - Conquering with passion". It was asked to strengthen innovation in teaching and testing methods towards developing students' capacity; diversify educational methods, and promote students' experiential activities; expand digital technology application in teaching and learning; and maintain the national-standard school status.

Meanwhile, leaders of the provincial Department of Education and Training and the Bac Yen district Party Committee joined the exciting atmosphere with teachers and students at the Ta Khoa Secondary School.

Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Huy Hoang, Director of the provincial Department of Education and Training, and a leader of Bac Yen district present a gift to the Ta Khoa Secondary School.

The opening ceremony for the new school year at the Ta Khoa Secondary School 

In this school year, the school has 190 students in six classes, belonging to four grades, including nearly 100 semi-boarders. The school will continue to promote the "good teaching, good learning" emulation movement; build a healthy educational environment; educate students to be self-reliant, proactive, and creative in learning; continue to overcome infrastructure-related difficulties due to floods; and stay determined to successfully fulfil tasks set for the new school year.

On this occasion, the leaders granted gifts from the provincial Party Committee, People's Council, People's Committee, and Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee; and the provincial Education Promotion Association handed over 15 million VND, donated by the Ho Chi Minh City Education Promotion Association, to the school to help it overcome consequences of natural disasters.

On the September 5 morning, 47,957 students in 57 schools and continuing education centres in Song Ma district also welcomed the new academic year. At the Chieng Khuong Secondary School, the opening ceremony was attended by leaders of the provincial Department of Planning and Investment, and the Song Ma district Party Committee.

The opening ceremony at the Chieng Khuong Secondary School.

In the 2024-2025 school year, Chieng Khuong Secondary School has 22 classes, 41 managers and teachers, and 1,041 students. The school will continue to innovate teaching methods in association with innovation in exams and assessment of learning performances and training towards developing students' capacity.

Leaders of the provincial Department of Planning and Investment, and the Song Ma district Party Committee present a gift to the school.

The same day, more than 1,500 students of all levels in Bo Sinh commune, Song Ma district happily welcomed the new school year. La Minh Tuan, member of the provincial Party Committee, Editor-in-Chief of Son La Newspaper, and Nguyen Tien Hai, Vice Chairman of the Song Ma district People's Committee attended the celebrations at the Hoa Phuong Do Kindergarten and the Bo Sinh Primary and Secondary Boarding School for Ethnic Minorities.

The Hoa Phuong Do Kindergarten welcomes children to school.

In the 2024-2025 school year, the Hoa Phuong Do Kindergarten has mobilised 73 children to attend class, reaching 100%, bringing the number of children to more than 340, divided into 15 classes. Meanwhile, the Bo Sinh Primary and Secondary Boarding School for Ethnic Minorities has 37 classes (25 primary and 12 secondary classes), with more than 1,150 students. This academic year, the school enrolled 118 first graders, and 141 sixth graders, reaching 100%. To date, the schools have ensured the best conditions for teaching and learning, as well as boarding accommodation for students.

The leader of Son La Newspaper presents a gift to the Hoa Phuong Do Kindergarten in Song Ma district

On this occasion, Son La Newspaper, Song Ma district and Bo Sinh commune presented gifts to the two schools, with a hope that their teachers and students will continue to promote the "good teaching, good learning" emulation movement, build a healthy educational environment; and strive to excellently fulfil the tasks and goals for the new school year.


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