"Children's Voices and Aspirations" Forum 2024 held in Son La

The provincial Children’s Union organised the "Children's Voices and Aspirations" Forum 2024 on May 20, drawing 220 outstanding children who represent over 26,000 union members in the province.

 At the "Children's Voices and Aspirations" Forum 2024

At the forum, children learned basic knowledge about the 2016 Children's Law; skills to prevent child abuse and injury; sex education; solutions to minimise violence against children; measures to prevent negative impacts of cyberspace on children; children with education of ethics and life skills.


A student asks questions about protecting children in cyberspace.
A representative of the provincial Children’s Union answers questions about protecting children in cyberspace.

The forum created conditions for children to share and express their thoughts, wishes and desires; and delivered their messages to families, society and schools to pay more attention to the protection, care and education of children, ensuring they have a safe and healthy life. It also raised awareness of authorities at all levels, organisations, individuals, families, schools and society about children's rights.



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