Phu Yen district has 26 communes and 1 township, with 207 hamlets and sub-areas. Its population hits over 131,000, of them ethnic minorities account for 89.83%. The entire district has 198 reputable people among ethnic minorities.
Over the past years, prestigious people have well observed the Party's guidelines, and the State's policies and laws; actively engaged in local movements and campaigns; joined local residents in promoting socio-economic development, maintaining political security, social order and safety, and implementing social security activities.
Village elders and reputable people have become role models in production and building cultural life in residential areas; actively participated in constructing new-style rural areas; and building a great unity bloc of ethnic groups in Phu Yen district.
They have coordinated with relevant units to mobilize over 19 billion VND (773,300 USD) to build new-style rural areas, repair and build over 170km of rural roads.
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