“Orange the World” event urges joint efforts for gender equality

The Committee for the Advancement of Women in Thuan Chau district on November 27 coordinated with the district Women's Union to organise the “Orange the World” event calling on the public to act together for gender equality, in response to the action month gender equality and gender-based violence prevention and response 2024.

The “Orange the World” event responds to the action month on gender equality and gender-based violence prevention and response 2024.


The event attracted the participation of more than 200 delegates, representatives of community-based media teams, and volunteers from communes in the district.

Communication activities were organised in the form of dramatisation. Through real-life situational skits, participants learned about gender, gender equality and gender-related issues approved by competent authorities, and then widely disseminated the knowledge to ethnic minority women and children. The event also aimed to mobilise 100% of grassroots Women's Union officials to participate in capacity building training courses and communication events held by agencies at all levels.

 The situational skit of the Phong Lang commune community-based communication team.

The event’s purpose was to call on sectors, organisations, individuals and the whole society to join hands to eliminate all forms of discrimination and gender-based violence, and create conditions and opportunities for women and girls to develop equally.

Delegates stick "orange" hearts on a communication tree.

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