A crack approximately 200m long and 30cm wide has appeared in Co Su Duoi hamlet. Meanwhile, several subsidence points with depths of about 40-60cm have been found in Tao Van Moi hamlet, posing a high risk of landslides, directly affecting households living in nearby areas.
Given this, Muong La sent a task force to Co Su Duoi hamlet, persuading and assisting residents in areas prone to landslides to move to safer locations.
Muong La district mobilised 120 union members, youths, and officers and soldiers from military units to help 17 households in Co Su Duoi hamlet to relocate their assets, and directed local forces to set up 10 tents for them.
For Tao Van Moi hamlet, Muong La district continues to evaluate the situation and select a new location for households in areas vulnerable to landslides.
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