Son La Power Company responds to Earth Hour 2025 with bicycle ride

In response to Earth Hour 2025, more than 70 employees of Son La Power Company on March 21, joined a bicycle ride through the main streets of Son La city, carrying banners and slogans to promote the use of electricity in an efficient manner.

 Son La Power Company responds to Earth Hour 2025

The Earth Hour 2025 campaign, with the theme "Green Transition - Green Future," will take place from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm on Saturday, March 22. This annual event aims to encourage collective action in saving energy, protecting the environment, and responding to climate change.

Son La Power Company has called on the community to join in observing Earth Hour by turning off lights and unnecessary electrical devices. Actions taken today will contribute to creating a greener future for generations to come.

Son La Power Company employees ride bicycles in response to Earth Hour 2025.

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