Chieng Khoong launches "Friendly Administration" model

Chieng Khoong commune in Song Ma district launched the "Friendly Administration" model on December 28.

Delegates visit the unit to receive and return dossiers in Chieng Khoong commune.

To implement the model, the commune's steering board for building a friendly administration has compared criteria; reviewed the current status of facilities and human resources; arranged and reorganised the unit to receive and return dossiers and the citizen reception division; and installed necessary equipment to ensure the operation of the model. At the same time, it has assigned specific tasks to each member; encouraged all communal officials and civil servants to sign a commitment to implement the contents of the model; publicised the functions, tasks, and phone numbers of communal leaders and civil servants; built a suggestion box; and publicised administrative procedures under jurisdiction.

With the slogan "4 xin" (hello, excuse me, please, thank you); “4 luon” (always smiling, always being gentle, always hearing, always helping); "5 khong" (no bossiness, causing difficulties and troubles; no bureaucracy, insensitivity, irresponsibility; no corruption, wastefulness, group benefits; no flattery, cheating; no taking advantage of positions and power in performing public duties), the "Friendly Administration" model aims to well implement administrative reform in State agencies, innovate the working style, attitude, and practices of officials and civil servants, towards people's satisfaction.

To date, Song Ma district has had 15 out of 19 communes and town to put into operation the "Friendly Administration" model.


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