Son La - Houaphanh Tourism-Culture Festival opens

The Son La - Houaphanh Tourism-Culture Festival 2024 took place on the evening of March 21 in Sam Neau township, Houaphanh province, Laos.

A singing and dancing performance featuring the close relationship between Son La and Houaphanh provinces.
Delegates attending the opening ceremony.
Khampheng Xaysompheng, Secretary of the Party Committee and Governor of Houaphanh, speaks at the opening ceremony.

Speaking at this special event, Khampheng Xaysompheng, member of the Central Committee of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party, Secretary of the Party Committee and Governor of Houaphanh, expressed his pleasure to welcome the leaders, artists, actors and artisans from Son La province.

“This is an opportunity for officials and people of the two provinces to exchange with and learn from each other in various fields, contributing to strengthening the special solidarity and friendship between Vietnam and Laos in general, and between Son La and Houaphanh in particular,” he noted.

 Secretary of the Son La provincial Party Committee Nguyen Huu Dong speaks at the opening ceremony.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Nguyen Huu Dong, member of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee, Secretary of the Son La provincial Party Committee, and head of the provincial delegation of National Assembly deputies, affirmed that the festival is one of the important activities to effectively implement foreign relations activities in 2024. It is a practical activity demonstrating the diplomatic relations, friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and Laos in general and between Son La andn Houaphanh in particular; as well as an opportunity to connect and promote tourism links between Son La and Houaphanh; and between them and other provinces and cities in Vietnam and Laos as well as in the world.

The impressive highlight of the opening night was the art programme "Son La - Houaphanh Love Song", performed jointly by artists from the two provinces. It included unique, carefully choreographed performances praising the revolutionary tradition, friendship, and faithful bond between Son La and Houaphanh in particular, and between Vietnam and Laos in general.

Some images at the art programme "Son La - Houaphanh Love Song"

Leaders of Son La and Houaphanh provinces present gifts to artists.
The art programme attracts crowds of locals.

The art programme ended with a Xoe dance of solidarity and a Lam Vong dance performed by delegates, people and tourists, expressing the eternal, lasting and lasting bond between the two provinces of Son La and Houaphanh as well as between Vietnam and Laos.




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