Festive atmosphere overwhelms Moc Chau plateau

Moc Chau district opened activities of the 2024 Culture and Tourism Week, themed "Moc Chau – The Call of the Season of Love", on the morning of September 1.

Participating in the activities were Hoang Quoc Khanh, Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People's Committee; leaders of a number of departments, agencies, and sectors, Moc Chau district, along local residents and tourists from many provinces and cities across the country.

Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Hoang Quoc Khanh attends activities of the 2024 Culture and Tourism Week. 

Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Hoang Quoc Khanh and a leader of Moc Chau district present flags to participating teams.

These days, Moc Chau plateau is vibrant with flags and flowers, showing a festive atmosphere celebrating the National Day or Independence Day. A large number of locals and visitors have come to join in the celebrations.


Cultural and art activities during the week. 
Provincial and district leaders join locals in a dance.

Immediately after the opening ceremony, in the lively and festive atmosphere filled with the sounds of gongs and drums, visitors were immersed in the rich cultural space of various ethnic groups. Activities included experiencing the diverse culinary traditions of different ethnic groups and community cultural performances; displaying the Mong ethnic group’s traditional arts; a photo exhibition; and folk games such as stick pushing, Xoe dancing, tu lu (a traditional version of spinning tops), pounding ‘banh day’ (round glutinous rice cake), and cloth ball throwing.

A street community activity of the Mong ethnic group.
A street community activity of the Thai ethnic group.
A street community activity of the Muong ethnic group.

A highlight, the street community activities showcased traditional folk songs and dances, and distinctive musical instruments of the ethnic groups. Over 150 artisans and performers from various ethnic groups, including Thai, Dao, Muong, and Mong, participated in these activities.

These street activities were held at several locations along National Highway 6 and in streets across Moc Chau district, luring crowds of residents and tourists.

A street community activity of the Dao ethnic group.

Ly Van Viet from Phieng Luong commune said "Participating in the activities, my team and I are very excited. Through such events, I also want to introduce the beautiful cultural features of the Dao ethnic group to visitors."

Visitors experience mua sap (dancing with bamboo poles) at the cultural camp in Tan Hop commune.

Amid the bustling Independence Day celebrations on the plateau, Nguyen Khanh Hoa, a tourist from Quang Ninh province, shared: "Even though I've visited Moc Chau many times, I’m always impressed by its nature and people. Especially during the September 2 occasion, the atmosphere here is even more vibrant with a huge number of ethnic minorities present. This time of year, Moc Chau offers a fresh, cool climate that is perfect for exploring and discovering its tourist attractions."

The delegates watch a ‘banh day’ pounding competition.


The delegates watch a ‘banh day’ pounding competition.

The ‘banh day’ pounding competition saw enthusiastic cheers from audience. Seven teams from the communes of Chieng Hac, Tan Lap, Chieng Khua, Chieng Son, Dong Sang and Tan Hop, and Moc Chau Farm town participated in the event. Within 50 minutes, each team successfully pounded and shaped six ‘day’ cakes, each with a diameter of 15 cm, and presented them attractively for the judges to score.


The judges are evaluating a cultural camp.

In the cultural camp segment, 15 camps from various communes and towns showcased their spiritual spaces, traditional clothing, jewelry, working tools, traditional crafts, and local specialty agricultural products. They also engaged in cultural and ethnic sports activities to serve visitors, such as love duet singing, bell dancing, yen (a traditional game), pao tossing, cloth ball throwing, to mak le (a game involving throwing objects), dancing with bamboo poles, and lion dancing.

For the culinary presentation, each commune or town prepared a meal featuring distinctive dishes of the local ethnic groups. The unique and culturally rich dishes included grilled stream fish, roasted chicken, ga mo (chicken with spices), and five-colour sticky rice.

The 2024 Culture and Tourism Week takes place from August 28 to September 4. It serves as an opportunity to highlight cultural and sports activities, promote tourism development, and showcase the beauty of Moc Chau's land and people, attracting numerous locals and tourists.


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