The model aims to well perform the task of administrative reform in state agencies, towards innovating the working style, attitude, and practices of officials and civil servants; building the style of “respecting, being close to, understanding, learning from and being responsible to the people” so as to raise their satisfaction with grassroots officials and civil servants; and gradually completing administrative reform in the Party and in state agencies.
The steering boards of these localities have built plans and assigned tasks to members to ensure that the administration’s activities are carried out openly and democratically towards e-administration; receive and process documents at the single-window unit to ensure all of them are handled on time and ahead of the deadline; and improve the rate of dossiers processed through online full and partial public services.
As of October 3, Son La city had four communes and wards launching the “friendly administration” model, namely Quyet Thang and To Hieu wards, Chieng Co and Chieng Xom communes. The city strives for all the remaining communes and wards to apply this model by October 10.
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