Thuan Chau district’s armed forces hold emulation congress

The armed forces of Thuan Chau district on May 22 organised the “determined to win” emulation congress for the 2019-2024 period.

 At the emulation congress.

In the 2019-2024 period, the "determined to win" and patriotic emulation movements of the district's armed forces have been deployed synchronously and widely. Emulation movements have been replicated in connection with the campaigns "Promoting traditions, dedicating talents, worthy of being Uncle Ho's soldiers" and "The military logistics sector follows Uncle Ho's teachings".

Over the past five years, 12 individuals have been given the Determined-to-Win Military Flag Medal by the President; and 20 others have been awarded first, second, and third-class Glorious Soldier Medals. The Command of Military Region 2 presented the title of “determined-to-win unit for three years” to the district Military Command; while the district People's Committee awarded many certificates of merit to collectives and individuals.

A leader of the district People's Committee presents certificates of merit to collectives with outstanding achievements in the 2019-2024 period.

In the 2024-2029 period, the district will continue to improve and innovate the method of organising emulation movements in a practical way, combining peak and sudden emulation periods; strengthen dissemination and promotion of emulation movements and role models. It will discover, foster and replicate role models in regular military forces, militia and reserve forces, contributing to fufilling local defence and military tasks.


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