Vice Chairman of provincial People’s Committee inspects subsidence in Mai Son district

Nguyen Thanh Cong, Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee, on July 15 paid a field trip to Mai Son district and had a working session with representatives the district and its Chieng Sung commune on the subsidence situation in Nong Son hamlet.

He was accompanied by representatives of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment, and the Mai Son district People's Committee.

Nguyen Thanh Cong, Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee, inspects subsidence in the residence of Quang Van Trinh.

Since October 2023, Chieng Sung commune has continuously experienced subsidence, damaging local houses and roads and endangering people's lives. Specifically, in October alone, the first subsidence case was reported at Ca Van Lien's fish pond in Nong Son hamlet with a diameter of about 20m and a depth of about 3m. After that, nine others occurred at households in Nong Son and Cao Son hamlets. Most recently, on July 14, 2024, under the floor of Quang Van Trinh's house in Nong Son hamlet, a hole of about 7m in width and about 10m in depth appeared.

A hole of about 7m in width and about 10m in depth appears under the floor of Quang Van Trinh's house in Nong Son hamlet.

Chieng Sung commune and Mai Son district have reported the subsidence cases to relevant departments and agencies, calculated the number of people and vehicles traveling in the subsidence areas, planted warning signs, informed residents about the situation through documents and speakers, and fixed sinkholes.

They have reviewed the land fund and proposed the removal of households from the affected areas, checked the households using drilled wells and and worked to limit the use of underground water for agricultural production. Some households have moved to their relatives' houses or been relocated to the Nong Son hamlet cultural house.

 Nguyen Thanh Cong, Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee, has a working session with representatives from Mai Son district and its Chieng Sung commune over solutions to protect the lives and assets of residents in subsidence-affected areas.

Cong asked Chieng Sung commune and Mai Son district to continue keeping tabs on the situation, and immediately report subsidence cases to the province and relevant agencies.

Nguyen Thanh Cong, Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee, inspects subsidence in Nong Son hamlet.

Local authorities were also urged to step up the resettlement work, and send personnel to work round the clock, ensuring absolute safety for locals.

The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development advised the provincial People's Committee to declare a natural disaster emergency to respond to subsidence in hamlets of Chieng Sung commune.

The Department of Natural Resources and Environment will accelerate investigation, assessment, and determination of causes to take solutions to prevent the disasters, and ensure safety and stability of people's lives./.


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