Free health consultations, check-ups, and medicines provided for Chieng Khoang residents

The provincial Red Cross Society, in cooperation with the Red Cross Society of Hai Phong city and the Quynh Nhai district Health Center, on December 12 organized a programme offering free medical check-ups, consultations, and medicines for 200 people from poor and near-poor households in Chieng Khoang commune.

At the programme offering free medical check-ups, consultations, and medicines for residents in Chieng Khoang commune.
The Red Cross Societies of Son La province and Hai Phong city distribute medicines in Chieng Khoang commune, Quynh Nhai district.

Doctors and medical staff from the Quynh Nhai district Health Center and the Chieng Khoang Health Station measured blood pressure, conducted general health check-ups, and provided consultations on how to prevent common diseases. They also gave advice on injury prevention, personal hygiene, environmental sanitation, proper nutrition, and how to prevent strokes and other ailments during winter. In addition, the programme distributed nutritional supplements and common medications.

Doctors from the Quynh Nhai district Health Center provide health consultations for the people of Chieng Khoang commune.

Free medicines are distributed to the people of Chieng Khoang commune, Quynh Nhai district.

The delegation also donated more than 1,260 warm jackets to students of the Chieng Khoang Primary and Secondary School and 10 boxes of cakes to children at the Chieng Khoang Kindergarten, with a total value of over 170 million VND (6,694 USD). The funds were raised from organizations and individuals by the Red Cross Societies of Son La province and Hai Phong city.

The charity delegation delivers warm jackets to students at the Chieng Khoang Primary and Secondary School in Quynh Nhai district.

Leaders of the Red Cross Societies of Son La province and Hai Phong city present cakes to the Chieng Khoang Kindergarten in Quynh Nhai district.


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