Tan Tuong Hop has 70 households with 385 people. With State support and investment totaling over 700 million VND (27,349 USD), and 313 million VND contributed by local residents, the hamlet completed all the 16 criteria, with 44 targets, for a new-style rural area and all the nine criteria for a model one regarding landscape and environmental quality.
Now, all main roads in Tan Tuong Hop have been concreted. There are no poor households, temporary, or dilapidated houses. The hamlet boasts guaranteed security and order. The roads and alleys are bright, clean, and beautiful; and waste is collected and disposed of properly.
The hamlet has 50 hectares of fruit trees and raises more than 300 livestock and poultry, with an average income of 48 million VND per person per year. Many welfare projects have been built, such as a cultural house, five hamlet roads, one intra-field road, street lighting systems along the roads, and a welcome gate.
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